Your Medicare Coverage
Find out what Medicare covers
Part B covers ground ambulance transportation when you need to be transported to a hospital, critical access hospital, or skilled nursing facility for medically necessary services, and transportation in any other vehicle could endanger your health. Medicare may pay for emergency ambulance…
Part B covers the facility service fees related to approved surgical procedures provided in an ambulatory surgical center...
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers artificial limbs and eyes when your doctor orders them...
Part A covers blood processing and handling for every unit of blood you get in a hospital if you're an inpatient, Part B if you're an outpatient...
Medicare Part A covers blood you get as a hospital inpatient, Part B covers blood you get as a hospital outpatient...
Medicare Part B covers some diabetic test supplies, including blood sugar test strips as durable medical equipment (DME)...
Medicare Part B covers blood sugar monitors as durable medical equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes for use in your home...
Part B covers medically necessary durable medical equipment (DME) that meet certain criteria prescribed for use in your home...
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers bone mass measurement (bone density) tests (like a dexa scan), which help to see if you're at risk to broken bones, once every 24 months (more often if medically necessary) for people who meet the criteria below...
Part B covers medically necessary arm, leg, back, and neck braces under the durable medical equipment prefabricated orthotics benefit...
Part B covers external breast prostheses (including a post-surgical bra) post-mastectomy, outpatient surgically implanted breast prostheses...
Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance) covers canes as durable medical equipment (DME). Medicare doesn't cover white canes for the blind...
Part B covers blood tests (cholesterol, lipid, triglyceride levels) every 5 years to help detect conditions that may lead to a heart attack or stroke...
Medicare covers chemotherapy if you're a cancer patient who's a hospital inpatient or outpatient, as well as if you're a patient in a doctor's office or freestanding clinic...
Part B covers medically necessary manual spine manipulation provided by chiropractors or other qualified providers to correct a subluxation...
Medicare covers some clinical research studies, which test different types of medical care, like how well a cancer drug works...
Part B covers commode chairs (portable toilet and seat) ordered by a doctor and for use in your home if you can’t use a regular toilet...
Medicare covers crutches as durable medical equipment...
Part A or Medicare Part B may cover implantable defibrillators...
Part B covers medically necessary clinical diagnostic laboratory tests, when your doctor or practitioner orders them...
Explanation for Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B coverage of dialysis treatment for your child...
Explanation for Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B coverage of dialysis (kidney) services and supplies...
Medicare Part B covers hospital beds as durable medical equipment (DME) that your doctor prescribes for use in your home...
Part B covers infusion pumps (and some medicines used in infusion pumps) if considered reasonable and necessary...
Explanation of nebulizers and nebulizer mediations under Medicare Part B...
Didn’t find what you’re looking for?
- If you have Medicare (or care for someone who does), use this list to check for nationally covered items and services. Remember: Medicare coverage for many other tests, items, and services depends on where you live.
- Talk to your doctor or other health care provider and ask if Medicare will cover the test, item, or service you need.
- Use this list to search by procedure code (CPT/HCPCS) if you’re a Medicare contractor, provider, or other health care industry professional.