Are You Having Trouble Paying for Prescription Drugs?
Category: General information | Product # 11318
This brochure explains in simple terms and pictures about applying for extra help with prescription drug costs.
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This brochure explains in simple terms and pictures about applying for extra help with prescription drug costs.
Information for caregivers who may need to talk to a doctor about a friend or family member's condition or treatment plan during an office visit.
This booklet explains Medicare's cancer treatment benefits.
This booklet explains how Medicare works with other coverage and who pays first.
This fact sheet provides the premiums and deductibles for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and Medicare Part B (Medical Insurance). It also includes information about the income-related monthly adjustment amounts for Medicare Part D (prescription drug coverage) and for Part B.
This postcard highlights Medicare Part D drug coverage now covering most vaccines at no cost to you.
This publication lists Medicare-covered diabetes services and supplies, and questions diabetics should ask their doctor.
This booklet explains the diabetes supplies, services, and prevention programs that Medicare helps pay for, and where you can get more help.
This poster gives general information about the Medicare Diabetes Prevention Program.
This booklet tells you how your Medicare prescription drug coverage works, how it works with other drug coverage you may have, and how you get Extra Help if you have limited income and resources.
This booklet provides an overview of what durable medical equipment is and which items are covered under Original Medicare.
This fact sheet gives information about the special rights you have to get care and prescription drugs if you're in a disaster or emergency area.
This publication explains Medicare coverage of kidney dialysis and kidney transplant services.
This publication explains Medicare’s coverage of kidney dialysis and transplants.
This brochure has information about Medicare coverage for children with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant).
This booklet explains how to enroll in Medicare Parts A & Part B.
This booklet what Extra Help is, who qualifies automatically, how to apply for it, and what happens once you start getting it.
This postcard explains what Extra Help is, who qualifies, and how to apply for it.
This publication provides information on Medicare and hospital stays, the steps to find and compare hospitals, and why hospital quality is important.
This tip sheet explains tips to prevent the flu, trivalent flu shots, and how Medicare covers the flu shot .
This card explains the new trivalent vaccine, and ways to protect yourself this flu season.
This booklet provides information on how to detect and protect against fraud and identity theft.
This factsheet provides a person with Medicare some easy ways to fight Medicare fraud.
Summary of Medicare benefits, coverage decisions, rights and protections, and answers to the most frequently asked questions about Medicare.
This booklet describes the preventive services that Medicare covers.