Are You Up-To-Date on Your Medicare Preventive Services?
Category: Staying healthy | Product # 11420
This checklist/fact sheet lists preventive services that Medicare might cover.
Showing 26-50 of 85 results
This checklist/fact sheet lists preventive services that Medicare might cover.
This checklist includes a list of questions for people with Medicare to ask their doctor about Medicare's preventive services.
This brochure explains the basics of Medicare's home health benefit.
This publication gives an overview of Medicare's covered preventive services.
This Hospice brochure has information about hospice care and what services are included.
This Hospice booklet has information for who’s eligible for hospice care and what services are included.
This checklist helps you and your caregiver make sure you have the information you need before discharge.
This fact sheet explains how hospital status affects how much a person pays for hospital services, what they should know about self-administered drugs, and whether their stay in a skilled nursing facility will be covered.
This conference card explains the 2 ways that Medicare covers insulin, and how to learn more about insulin coverage.
This fact sheet gives people with Medicare important details about the $35 cost-sharing cap for a month’s supply of insulin under Part D, and Part B and Medicare Advantage.
This fact sheet helps formerly incarcerated people understand how and when they can sign up for Medicare using a Special Enrollment Period.
This fact sheet gives information about federal and state programs to help save money on health and drug costs for people with Medicare who have limited income and resources.
This brochure explains how Medicaid works, what’s covered, and how someone can find out if they qualify.
This conference card talks about how to get electronic versions of the Medicare & You Handbook, and Medicare Summary Notices (MSNs).
This conference card lists the benefits of using a Medicare.gov account and Blue Button.
This tip sheet is designed to help you learn more about enrollment into Medicare Parts C and D, including who can sign up, when you can sign up, and how the timing can affect your costs.
This booklet explains how Medicare Advantage Plans work and how to join a Medicare Advantage Plan.
This publication explains provider networks in Medicare Advantage Plans.
This fact sheet explains how to get with your questions and help in your area if you need to speak with a representative.
This fact sheet includes information about a Medicare program to help prevent Type 2 diabetes.
This postcard tells you how to manage your monthly drug costs with the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan, or how to lower your drug and health costs through Extra Help or a Medicare Savings Program.
This fact sheet explains how the Medicare Prescription Payment Plan works with your drug coverage to manage your out of-pocket Medicare Part D drug costs, by spreading them across the calendar year.
This fact sheet offers tips on how to choose a Medicare drug plan.
If you have or are eligible for Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance), and have limited income and resources, you may be able to get help with premiums and other health care costs through a Medicare Savings Program.
This publication explains how you can get help paying your Medicare Part A and or Part B premiums (through Medicare Savings Programs).