Medigap in Massachusetts

In Massachusetts, Medigap policies are standardized in a different way and offer these basic benefits:

  • Inpatient hospital costs
  • Medical costs
  • Blood
  • Part A hospice coinsurance or copayment

This chart shows basic information about the benefits Medigap policies in Massachusetts cover. 

​​= the plan covers 100% of this benefit
= the plan doesn't cover this benefit

Medigap Benefit                                                                  Medigap Plans
Core Plan Supplement 1 Plan Supplement 1A Plan
Basic benefits 
Part A: Inpatient hospital deductible 
Part A: skilled nursing facility coinsurance
Part B: deductible 
Foreign travel emergency care 
Inpatient days in mental health hospitals60 days per calendar year120 days per benefit year120 days per benefit year
State-mandated benefits (yearly Pap tests and mammograms. Check your plan for other state-mandated benefits.)

Contact your State Insurance Department for more information on these policies. 

Next step: Learn how Medigap works