What's a nursing home care plan?

A care plan says how staff at a nursing home will help manage your care. To prepare your care plan, the nursing home staff will get your health information and review your health condition. You (if you're able), your family (with your permission), or someone acting on your behalf has the right to take part in planning your care with the nursing home staff.

The basic care plan includes:

  • A health assessment (a review of your health condition) that begins on the day you’re admitted and must be completed within 14 days.
  • A health assessment at least every 90 days after your first review, and possibly more often if your medical status changes, with changes to your care plan as needed. Nursing homes are required to submit this information to the federal government. This information is used for quality measures, nursing home payment, and state inspections.

Depending on your needs, your care plan may include:

  • The personal or health care services you need.
  • The type of staff that can give you the services.
  • How often you need the services.
  • The equipment or supplies you need (like a wheelchair or feeding tube).
  • Describe your dietary needs and food preferences.
  • How your care plan will help you reach your goals.
  • If you plan on returning to the community and the plan to help you meet that goal.